
Annual Staff Retreat 2018

It was a beautiful three days to withdraw from crazy Bangkok; being able to focus on rest and time together as a team. It was pivotal too, since about half of our team has changed this past year. Only four of the nine staff (and a spouse) had attended last year’s retreat. Last April, due to budget constraints, we chose to keep our staff retreat short (1.5 days) and stayed in Bangkok, on the outskirts. It was good and important, but this year definitely felt like a needed, actual “retreat.” A precious couple came to lead our sessions. The Quinleys’ have been in Thailand for over twenty years and have so much wisdom in caring for team, staying intimate with the Savior and living cross-culturally with hope and health.

One of the favorite sessions revolved around the story of Blind Bartimaeus. How Jesus comes to us and asks, “What do you want Me to do for you?” What are you seeking? What is that core thing you need from Him?

This man, this beggar, sitting on the side of the road, could be any of us. He had to reach in deep and draw out courage, to yell above the crowd. The crowd grew “uncomfortable,” trying to shush him. Why? But, this was his chance and he wouldn’t be silenced. He drew more courage, and yelled even louder… “Jesus Christ… have mercy…” It stops Jesus. Bartimaeus throws off his cloak. Ever wondered what that action may have signified? Maybe, the willingness to throw off his valuable possession, or something that weighed him down. Maybe he was preparing to run to Jesus…? Maybe he was laying down any remaining dignity he thought he had. Jesus knows but simply still asked, “What do you want me to do for you?” He gives us gentle, yet direct questions to help us articulate the answer- just like Bartimaeus. “My teacher, I want to see.” The Quinleys’ encouraged our team to NAME our DESIRE, individually and collectively, opening a space where Jesus can be with us in the healing that we ache to see. Bartimaeus receives his sight and immediately follows Jesus. His life of begging didn’t work anymore, but it wasn’t what he was familiar with doing. Everything changed… (Mark 10:46-52)

What are you seeking? What would you answer Him?

*Thank you to all those who gave to the staff, so we could have a refreshing retreat this year! Your financial gifts and prayers are constantly encouraging us as we continue working here. THANK YOU!

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